Top Linux commands to improve your efficiency

Hari Kishore
1 min readNov 8, 2022

du — disk usage

type/which — to know about any command or alias.

type ls
which ls

open — to open any application in mac

open -a /Applications/Google\ --args --proxy-server=

brew — to search and install any software, also help for downloading GUI softwares like firefox.

brew search firefox
brew install --cask firefox

lsof — List of files/running programs, ports etc.

e.g., list all port being used by any process or find out if particular port is in use or not.

lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN
sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | grep :3306 //if 3306 is in use

touch — create any file

top/htop — task manager; CPU and memory utilization. Read more —

xkillxkill is a utility used for force-quitting GUI apps.

watch — watch output of a command frequently after some interval.

watch date
sh-4.4# watch date

for example, kubernetes user see status of pods during development with watch command.

k get pods | grep some-service
watch "k get pods| grep some-service"

sh/zsh/bash — to run any specifc version of shell/shell script files.

